If you're a network marketer, then you probably already found out that online network marketing makes you a lot more money than the old offline strategies. In addition to classical recruitment tactics. One of the most effective ways to build your business is based on your personal website. Allow me to share some tips in order to make your website more profitable.
Create a free blog website with the ability to add meta-tags. Keep your website well-organized. Your website is useless if visitors don't understand the purpose of it.
Hand out business cards or leaflets with the URL of your website on. Make sure that your leaflets aren't easy to throw away. Print them preferably on light cardboard; some people collect cards like this.
Buy an easy to recognize domain name. In some cases it can have the description or even the name of your business in it.
Use the link of your website as signature on forums, social networks, emails, etc. Comment on other peoples blogs with the link to your website as signature. Make sure that your comments have enough value, otherwise they will end up in the spam folder. Never send spam messages to people with the link to your website in it. As a matter a fact, never send spam messages at all.
Write articles about popular subjects. Search engines play an important role here. Your potential visitors are people who are looking for valuable information on a particular subject. Think about what kind of information your potential visitor is looking for. They are not just surfing for fun so if they can't find the information they were looking for, they will leave your site very soon. The title of your articles should attract people and encourage them to read the body of the article. Therefore the best titles are the ones that make people questioning the subject, use for instance "how to" or a title in question-form. The words you are using in your article should resemble the content as much as possible.
Always use understandable language. You don't want to attract Einstein, but ordinary people who are looking for a simple answer to their questions.
Submit your articles to article directory sites. The more articles that include your website link you have online, the more traffic you will create.
Make links to your other websites if you have more than one website.
Count the number of visitors on your site. If you don't keep the score, you won't know whether your website is doing good or not.
If you want to pay for traffic, then maybe adsites like Google AdWords could be something for you. You can choose the region where you want to advertise and even the amount of money you want to spend on it. Never advertise on the usual free ad sites.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jens_Holvoet
6 Feb 2011
Ten Marketing Tips To Increase Valuable Traffic To Your Blog Website
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